Since 1983, GSM has created a major musical summer theatre entertainment option that encourages professional artists (through Guest Artist contracts with Actor’s Equity) to work with aspiring performers of all ages as part of a theatre training and semi-professional production company. Over 2000 actors, dancers, musicians, technicians, and students have participated in the musical performance and intern programs offered by the Garland Summer Musicals.
Each summer, GSM offers educational opportunities in artistic expression and technical theatre. Students age 16 and over gain hands-on experience on stage and behind the scenes in various set construction, props, and technical roles such as stage management, lighting, sound, and running crew.
In addition, 900 students have earned college credit hours through programs in collaboration with Dallas College and Tarleton State University.
In 1998, GSM began an educational partnership with Tarleton State University. Tarleton State sends theatre interns all over the U.S. to work with professional theatre companies during the summer before their senior year.
This unusual combination of professional and educational theatre makes the GSM a unique program not only in Garland but also throughout the Southwest. The pride of tradition and critical success of the Garland Summer Musicals have increased dramatically over the years, and today, local agents, actors, and audiences consider the GSM a major theatrical event in the Metroplex.